Publications - Slobodan Petrović


S. Petrović, 'A Course in Intrusion Detection and Prevention,' Akademika, Oslo, 2023.

Selected papers:

S. Petrović, 'Towards a framework for the design of nonlinear combiners in ternary logic,' Proceedings of the Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK 2024), Bergen, Norway, November 2024.
S. Petrović, 'A toolbox for the design of non-binary pseudorandom sequence generators for IoT,' Proceedings of the XVIII Spanish Conference on Cryptology and Information Security (RECSI 2024), Leon, Spain, October 2024.
S. Oruma, S. Petrović, 'Security threats to 5G networks for social robots in public spaces: A survey,' IEEE Access, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2023, pp. 63205-63237.
M. Hasan, M. Cheffena, S. Petrović, 'Physical-layer security improvement in MIMO OFDM systems using multilevel chaotic encryption,' IEEE Access, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2023, pp. 64468-64475.
P. Solnør, S. Petrović, T. Fossen, 'Towards oblivious guidance systems for autonomous vehicles,' IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 72, No. 6, June 2023, pp. 7067-7081.
A. Peinado, S. Petrović, 'Dynamic LFSRs as an alternative to LFSRs in extended fields - A comparative study,' Proceedings of the Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK 2022), Kristiansand, Norway, November 2022.
A. Styrmoe, S. Petrović, 'Anomaly detection using improved k-means clustering on Apache Flink,' Proceedings of the XVII Spanish Conference on Cryptology and Information Security (RECSI 2022), Santander, Spain, October 19-21, 2022, pp. 216-221.
P. Solnør, Ø. Volden, K. Gryte, S. Petrović, T. Fossen, 'Hijacking of unmanned surface vehicles: A demonstration of attacks and countermeasures in the field,' Journal of Field Robotics (JFR), Vol. 39, 2022, pp. 631-649.
Ø. Volden, P. Solnør, S. Petrović, T. Fossen, 'Secure and efficient transmission of vision-based feedback control signals,' Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 103(26), 2021.
S. Petrović, J. Sidorova, 'Constrained approximate search algorithms in knowledge discovery,' Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2020, pp. 43-49.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'Efficient k-means using triangle inequality on Spark for cyber security analytics,' Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics (IWSPA 2019), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2019, pp. 37-45.
S. Lelai, L. Suhui, S. Petrović, 'Cryptanalysis of a pseudorandom generator for cross-border E-commerce,' Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 2019, Vol. 24 (4), pp. 361-365.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'Analyzing digital evidence using parallel k-means with triangle inequality on Spark,' Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Seattle, USA, December 10-13, 2018, pp. 3049-3058.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'Collecting network evidence using constrained approximate search algorithms,' IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2018, Vol. 532, pp. 141-160.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'Parallel k means clustering with triangle inequality on Spark,' Swedish Data Science Workshop (SweDS), Umeå, Sweden, November 20-21, 2018.
S. Petrović, 'Constrained approximate bit-parallel search with application in cryptanalysis,' Proceedings of the XV Spanish Conference on Cryptology and Information Security (RECSI 2018), Granada, Spain, October 3-5, 2018, pp. 174-179.
S. Petrović, 'Approximate search in digital forensics,' Computer and Network Security Essentials, Springer, 2018, pp. 355-367.
K. Porter, S. Petrović, 'Obtaining precision-recall trade-offs in fuzzy searches of large email corpora,' IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2018, Vol. 532, pp. 67-85.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'CRBP-OpType: A constrained approximate search algorithm for detecting similar attack patterns,' Proceedings of Computer Security: ESORICS 2017 International Workshops, CyberICPS 2017 and SECPRE 2017, Oslo, Norway, September 14-15, 2017, pp. 163-176.
K. Porter, S. Petrović, 'On application of constrained edit distance algorithms to cryptanalysis and digital forensics,' Proceedings of Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK-2017), Oslo, Norway, November 27-29, 2017, pp. 112-123.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'Constrained row-based bit-parallel search in intrusion detection,' Proceedings of Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK-2016), Bergen, Norway, October 26-28, 2016, pp. 68-79.
H. Gunleifsen, T. Kemmerich, S. Petrović, 'An end-to-end security model of inter-domain communication in network function virtualization,' Proceedings of Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK-2016), Bergen, Norway, October 26-28, 2016, pp. 7-18.
S. Petrović, 'A SPAM filtering scenario using constrained bit-parallel approximate search,' Proceedings of XIV Spanish Conference on Cryptology and Information Security (RECSI 2016), Maón, Menorca, Spain, October 26-28, 2016, pp. 186-190.
A. S. Chitrakar, S. Petrović, 'Approximate search with constraints on indels with application in SPAM filtering,' Proceedings of Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK-2015), Ålesund, Norway, November 23-25, 2015, pp. 22-33.
B. Yang, H. Chu, G. Li, S. Petrović, C. Busch, 'Cloud password manager using privacy-preserved biometrics,' Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E, IWCCSP workshop), Boston, USA, March 11-14, 2014, pp. 505-509.
S. Petrović, 'A new linear consistency test attack on noised irregularly clocked linear feedback shift registers,' Proceedings of 13th Spanish Conference on Cryptography and Information Security, Alicante, Spain, September 2-5, 2014, pp. 3-6.
S. Abt, C. Dietz, H. Baier, S. Petrović, 'Passive remote source NAT detection using behavior statistics derived from NetFlow,' Proceedings of Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet - 7th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 25-28, 2013, LNCS 7943, Springer-Verlag, pp. 148-159.
H. Nguyen, C. Torrano-Gimenez, G. Alvarez, K. Franke, S. Petrović, 'Enhancing the effectiveness of Web application firewalls by generic feature selection,' Logic journal of the IGPL 2013, Volum 21, No.4, pp. 560-570.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, S. Petrović, 'Reliability in a feature-selection process for intrusion detection,' Reliable Knowledge Discovery, Springer 2012, pp. 203-218.
K. Wold, S. Petrović, 'Security properties of oscillator rings in true random number generators,' Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2012), Tallinn, Estonia, April 18-20, 2012, pp. 145-150.
S. Petrović, 'Application of linear consistency test in a ciphertext-only attack on irregularly clocked linear feedback shift registers,' Proceedings of 12th Spanish Conference on Cryptography and Information Security, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, September 4-7, 2012, pp. 113-117.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, S. Petrović, 'Improving effectiveness of intrusion detection by correlation feature selection,' International Journal on Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2011, pp. 21-33.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, S. Petrović, 'On general definition of L1-norm support vector machines for feature selection,' International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011, pp. 279-283.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, S. Petrović, 'A new ensemble-feature-selection framework for intrusion detection,' Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, November 22-24, 2011, Córdoba, Spain, pp. 213-218.
D. Hartung, K. Wold, K. Graffi, S. Petrović, 'Towards a biometric random number generator - A general approach for true random extraction from biometric samples,' Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics, BIOSIG 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2011, pp. 267-274.
H. Nguyen, C. Torrano-Giménez, G. Álvarez, S. Petrović, K. Franke, 'Application of the generic feature selection measure in detection of Web attacks,' Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Security in Information Systems (CISIS 2011), Torremolinos, Spain, June 8-10, 2011, LNCS 6694, pp. 25-32.
C. Torrano-Giménez, H. Nguyen, G. Álvarez, S. Petrović, K. Franke, 'Applying feature selection to payload-based Web application firewalls,' Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security and Communication Networks (IWSCN 2011), Gjøvik, Norway, May 18-20, 2011, pp. 75-81.
K. Wold, S. Petrović, 'Behavioral model of TRNG based on oscillator rings implemented in FPGA,' Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2011), Cottbus, Germany, April 13-15, 2011, pp. 163-166.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, S. Petrović, 'A general L1-norm support vector machine for feature selection,' Proceedings of 2011 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011), Singapore, February 26-28, 2011, Vol. 1, pp. 591-595.
K. Wold, S. Petrović, 'Robustness of TRNG against attacks that employ superimposing signal on FPGA supply voltage,' Proceedings of the Norwegian Information Security Conference, Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2010, pp. 81-92.
H. Nguyen, S. Petrović, 'An operational research approach to feature selection for network-based intrusion detection,' Proceedings of 11th Spanish Conference on Cryptography and Information Security, Tarragona, Spain, September 2010.
H. Nguyen, S. Petrović, and K. Franke 'A comparison of feature selection methods for intrusion detection,' Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2010, LNCS 6258, pp. 242-255.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, and S. Petrović 'Towards a generic feature selection measure for intrusion detection,' Proceedings of the 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010, pp. 1529-1532.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, and S. Petrović 'Improving effectiveness of intrusion detection by correlation feature selection,' Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Krakow, Poland, February 2010, pp. 17-24.
K. Wold, S. Petrović, 'Optimizing speed of a true random number generator in FPGA by spectral analysis,' Proceedings of the fourth international conference on computer sciences and convergence information technology (ICCIT), Seoul, Korea, November 2009, pp. 1105-1110.
H. Nguyen, K. Franke, and S. Petrović 'Optimizing a class of feature selection measures,' Proceedings of the NIPS 2009 Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning: Submodularity, Sparsity & Polyhedra (DISCML), Vancouver, Canada, December 2009.
S. Petrović, K. Franke, 'A fast indexless digital forensics search procedure,' Proceedings of the 10th Spanish National Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, Salamanca, Spain, September 2008, pp. 263-269.
S. Petrović, S. Bakke, 'Application of q-gram distance in digital forensic search,' Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Computational Forensics (IWCF 2008), Washington D.C., USA, August 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5158, pp. 159-168.
S. Petrović, S. Bakke, 'Improving the efficiency of misuse detection by means of the q-gram distance,' Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Naples, Italy, September 2008, pp. 205-208.
S. Petrović, K. Franke, 'A new two-stage search procedure for misuse detection,' Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007) - Volume 1, Jeju Island, Korea, December 2007, pp. 418-422.
S. Petrović, A. Fúster, 'Reconstruction of suboptimal paths in the constrained edit distance array with application in cryptanalysis,' Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4707, Part III, pp. 597-610.
S. Petrović, 'Clock control sequence reconstruction in the generalized shrinking generator,' Proceedings of SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Barcelona, Spain, 2007, pp. 259-262.
S. Petrović, K. Franke, 'Improving the efficiency of digital forensic search by means of the constrained edit distance,' Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security, Manchester, UK, 2007, pp. 405-410.
V. Seeberg, S. Petrović, 'A new classification scheme for anonymization of real data used in IDS benchmarking,' Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2007), Vienna, Austria, 2007, pp. 385-390.
S. Petrović, 'A comparison between the Silhouette index and the Davies-Bouldin index in labeling IDS clusters,' Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT-systems, NORDSEC 2006, Linkoping, Sweden, 2006, pp. 53-64.
S. Petrović, G. Álvarez, A. Orfila and J. Carbó, 'Labeling IDS clusters by means of the Silhouette index,' Proceedings of the the IX Spanish Conference on Cryptography and Information Security, Barcelona, Spain, 2006, pp. 760-772.
S. Bojanić, G. Caffarena, S. Petrović, O. Nieto-Taladriz 'FPGA for pseudorandom generator cryptanalysis,' Microprocessors and Microsystems, 30(2006), pp. 63-71.
S. Petrović, G. Álvarez, A. Orfila and J. Carbó, 'Labeling clusters in an intrusion detection system using a combination of clustering evaluation techniques,' Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii (USA), January 2006, 8 pages (CD ROM), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
S. Petrović, A. Fúster, 'Clock control sequence reconstruction in the ciphertext only attack scenario,' Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2004), Málaga (Spain), October 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3269, Springer Verlag, pp. 427-439.
S. Petrović, A. Fúster, 'Clock control sequence reconstruction in noisy generators with irregular clocking,' Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, Málaga (Spain), September 2004, pp. 231-236.
S. Petrović, A. Fúster, 'Clock control sequence reconstruction in generators with irregular clocking,' Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, Leganés (Madrid), Spain, September 2004, pp. 197-204.
S. Petrović, G. Álvarez, A. Orfila and J. Carbó, 'Fast predictor-corrector intrusion detection system based on clustering,' Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, Leganés (Madrid), Spain, September 2004, pp. 507-516.
S. Bojanić, G. Caffarena, S. Petrović and O. Nieto-Taladriz, 'Stream cipher cryptanalysis based on the edit-distance: a hardware approach,' Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 29(2004), pp. 17-29.
Amparo Fúster-Sabater, S. Petrović, 'Approximating cryptanalysis to graph theory,' Invited talk, International Workshop on Intelligent Systems (EISI 2003), University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, November 2003.
S. Petrović, A. Fúster and L. Hernández, 'A ciphertext only attack on a class of pseudorandom generators', Proceedings of the 2nd Iberoamerican Conference on Information Security (CIBSI 2003), R. Menchaca, J. Ramió, L. Hernández, G. Valázquez (Eds.), México D.F., 2003, pp. 448-462.
S. Petrović, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, 'A ciphertext only attack on stream ciphers with irregular clocking,' Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, Málaga, Spain, September 8-10 2003, pp. 330-335.
G. Álvarez, S. Petrović, 'A new taxonomy of web attacks suitable for efficient encoding,' Computers and Security, 22(5), 2003, pp. 435-449.
G. Álvarez, S. Petrović, 'A taxonomy of web attacks,' Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Engineering, Oviedo, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2722, Springer Verlag, 2003, pp. 295-298.
S. Petrović, 'Reconstruction of the initial state of the subgenerator in a class of pseudorandom sequence generators,' Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, Oviedo, Spain, September 2002, pp. 725-736.
S. Petrović, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, 'An improved cryptanalysis of the A5/2 algorithm for mobile communications,' Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, Málaga, Spain, September 9-12 2002, pp. 437-442.
S. Petrović, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, 'Cryptanalysis of the algorithm A5/2 for mobile telephony,' Proceedings of the 1st Iberoamerican Conference on Information Security, Morelia, México, 2002.
S. Petrović, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Raúl Durán, 'The use of edit-distances in cryptanalysis,' Proceedings of the 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., July 2001, pp. 511-516.
S. Petrović, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, 'Cryptanalysis of the A5/2 algorithm,' in Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2000/52,, 2000.
S. Petrović, 'Correlation attack on a clock-controlled shift register generator containing a function with memory,' Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, September 2000.
S. Petrović, 'Clustering unequal length binary data using graph-theoretic techniques,' in Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1997.
J. Golić, S. Petrović, 'Correlation attacks on clock-controlled shift registers in keystream generators,' IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 45, No. 4, 1996, pp. 482-486.
J. Golić, S. Petrović, 'Constrained many-to-one string editing with memory,' Inform. Sci., vol. 86, September 1995, pp. 61-76.
S. Petrović, 'Determining specific edit-distances by means of the operations research methods,' in Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference on Operational Research, vol. II, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1995, pp. 1142-1156.
S. Petrović, J. Golić, 'String editing under a combination of constraints,' Inform. Sci., vol. 74, 1993, pp. 151-163.
J. Golić, S. Petrović, 'A generalized correlation attack with a probabilistic constrained edit-distance,' Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT '92, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 658, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 472-476.
J. Golić, S. Petrović, 'Constrained edit-distance for a memoryless function of strings,' Invited introductory paper, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Cryptology, Madrid, Spain, October 1992, pp. 1-23.

Last modified: 14.08.2023.